Monday, September 03, 2007


Happened to 96 WAVE? 96.1 Chuck-town??? there are so many things wrong with this picture and the music choices are crazy...

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Surprise Visitor

I was bringing in the stroller today out of the rain, and look at what I found! I tiny wren's nest. I love birds in particular watching them nest and their habits..anyway, this was a true blessing! but not to the poor birds that I dislodged all of thier hard work!! Notice, it is in the back pocket of the stroller where I keep gloves, keys, etc. They enjoyed using May's winter gloves and hat as background...

Monday, May 14, 2007

the Most Beautiful Day...

This is the image out of my screened porch this morning. It was absolutely perfect-the breeze was blowing, the tide was unusually high and our new grass is so GREEN! Heaven I tell you!

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

What a difference a year makes.

So I was scanning through PICASA and thought it would be neat to find pictures of May from a year ago. I know that there is so much growth in one short year, but looking at these pictures I can not believe it! May- you have gone from a newborn to a toddler OVERNIGHT.. Here are some things about you that I love:
*that you are a great sleeper (6pm-7am and two 1-2 hour naps a day)
*that you love to eat. with me as your mom-there is no way around it..(sorry)
*that you love music...anytime a song comes on you are bobbing your little head and flapping those arms of yours
*that you are beginning to give spontaneous hugs...I love them
*that you constantly smile
*that you do NOT cry-even when I think that you should.
*that you are mine and your daddy's...we love you more than you will EVER EVER EVER know.

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I am glad that I birthed this child or you might think I stole her from the Fitzgerald Family Farm!

13 months

4 years old
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Tulips are here!

In January, I planted 100 Tulips in our front yard. Well they are in full bloom, and I must admit that I am IN LOVE! They are the most gorgeous colors of pink and red that you have ever seen...I will definitely plant them again next year. FYI- if you are in the neighborhood in the next week--please stop by-They are so PRETTY!!!

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Birthday Picture

Here is a little photo montage of May's first birthday...She was such a big girl all day and enjoyed the hub=bub that was her first birthday party....We ended up having a family party and it was great....Perfect day and May had a Ball! Jeff's uncle, Bob took these photos, and I believe that they really do capture the essence of her sheer pleasure of eating the cake. IT was ADORABLE!
We love you big girl!!!

Wednesday, March 07, 2007


I am a Big Girl Now!
Loving bath-time and grinning for the camera...a new camera i might add that is SO MUCH more fun to use than the old one and no DUCT TAPE!

Monday, March 05, 2007


I am not dead to the world of blogging, although I have thought about giving it up once or twice...I have come to realize that it is sort of like a journal for me-and when I was a teenager all the way through when I met Jeff, I kept a journal of sorts that had sporadic entries. Some months-great. Others, well not so great. But instead of feeling guilty that I have not blogged, I will go from here- with some flashbacks mingled in. There was the cutest picture that I wanted to post to go along with this, but alas, the Blogger god is not with me today. I can not seem to upload any photos....Maybe tomorrow!

Monday, January 08, 2007

Things that have happened since I last wrote.....

Since I last posted I must admit that I have been slack on the picture taking. I attribute it to being so busy that my life feels out of control and now I am beginning to reign everything in and begin anew. I could not do that however without highlighting some important events of the last 2 months or so...but who is counting, right?

Halloween...Sitting and waiting for our 4 trick or treaters. The numbers are growing year by year-but I am still always a touch disapointed when we do not have child after child ringing the doorbell....anyway---

May's first day of school at John Weslyn Methodist Church. She goes M/W/F from 9:45-1:00 (weird hours, right?) and she has absolutely LOVED IT...and I love it too- her teachers are great and it is a very small class..

Thanksgiving...Hmmm.18 people in my house. IT all went very well- the only casualty was me BREAKING our joggling board after some champagne and jeers from my nephews egging me on to "Keep double bouncing us"..Enough said-OUCH.

How I set up the tables to fit the diners. I must admit that it looked fantastic and everyone had a wonderful time-or so they said!

Sunday, January 07, 2007

I am not dead!

Someone, Please come help me update my Blog. I have been trying to fix it since it has been upgraded and I am a complete MORON when it comes to the here is a question: why if i have Picasa 2, does it not show the HELLO icon like the directions say? Also, why is it so difficult to upload pictures following the prompts from the icon on the screen???? Can someone please come over and give this girl a tutorial??? I will provide lunch, dinner, snacks, drinks-whatever!

PS, next month- I will tackle the IPOD. i really do not want to be old before my time.