Friday, August 11, 2006

6 months and counting....

Birth Day..

Wow, I can not believe that May is 6 months old! (actually she is 6 months and 2 weeks but who is counting!) May is a precious child who brings joy to everyone who is around her. I may sound like a proud mom, but I AM! She truly is a good baby who gives her parents and trouble. She is on a great schedule of eating/sleeping and has been since month 3. A typical day is:
7:00 awake/ bottle
8:30 nap
11:00 eat lunch
12:00 nap
3:00 bottle
4:00 nap (sometimes!)
5:30 eat supper
7:00 bottle

that's it! she is perfect!

May has been eating solids since 4 months when she literally grabbed at all the food on my plate and practically leaped out of her exersaucer to my cereal bowl. Some people would say that it was too early, but my Doc said Ok and we were off! May's favorites are Peas, Carrots, Squash, Sweet Potatoes, Bananas and Pears...Let's just admit it, she loves it ALL! I know that she is our child- Jeff and I have never turned down a meal. I bought stage 2's at the store yesterday and i can not wait to begin giving her those foods-

She is creeping around like crazy- getting frustrated when she can not get to where she wants to go as quickly as she would prefer. I have a feeling that once she is up and running- i will never slow down! May loves her johnny jump up and can stay in it for days! She bounces up and down-twists every which a way- she loves that thing!

This is one of the most recent pictures that I have of May. I need to resolve to take more pictures!! I am just not a picture person and have to force myself to take them- So here is my pledge-I will take more pictures and give them to friends and loved ones!!!! Repeat over and over!

May eating her first cookie (zwieback)


What a difference 6 months make:

January 30th 2006: 8 lbs 11 oz
21 1/2 inches long

July 31, 2006: 18 lbs
27 inches long

May- your father and I love you more than we could have even imagined possible....Thank you for coming into our lives and making us better people.....
we love you maize. Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Nancy said...

Yes - we want to see more pictures of Miss May!! She and Mills should have ahd a six month birthday get together :) See you tonight!!