Tuesday, July 25, 2006


I by no means profess to be a gardener, but I do love being out in the yard. The last year has been a little hectic-moved/pregnant/etc....so now, I am finally able to play and plan for what I would like our yard to look like.....While I was on maternity leave, Mom gave me some Zinnia and Cosmos seeds and I planted them in my front garden...They did UNBELIEVABLY well and I know exactly what I am going to do with them next year. That is the fun thing about gardening-it is all about trial and error, and i am still learning the sun factor in the back and front yard.

Anyway- are these not the prettiest Zinnias that you have ever seen? the photos do not do the flowers justice...they are just the best- and my favorite. I swear, the littlest things make me happy- and flowers out of my yard top the list.

Now, i am on the hunt for a birdfeeder that attaches to my kitchen window- I am a freak about birds and would love to watch them feed while i am cooking....ahhhhh....peace! Posted by Picasa

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