Monday, November 06, 2006


So, I was tagged to answer some questions by Amanda, and since I still am unsure how to link (someone please help me) to other blogs-i will try and post a link to hers later when i can focus a little better!! here it goes:

I am: an overly anxious person who struggles to keep everything in line/orderly etc.
I want: to be a better wife and mother.....
I have: an Amazing daughter and an even more AMAZING husband
I wish: that I had more energy to be as productive as I wanted to be while still maintaining a smiling face.
I hate: that I do not get to see my friends (close and far) as much as I used to (esp since we did not realize how precious that time was)
I miss: my sister in Newberry, friends in far away places and that feeling of freedom that you have when you are young and dumb-like a perfect fall day in college....
I hear: nothing! baby is sleeping and the dryer just finished it's cycle.
I wonder: what life would have been like if I did not go to college in SC.
I regret: Nothing. Everything that has happened good and bad has made me who I am today.
I am not: sugary sweet, but you always know where I stand and I am not mean.
I dance: with my husband at parties.
I sing: Constantly when I am alone.
I cry: reading some people's blogs/ during the evening news/ wherever there is a story that evokes true emotion.
I am not always: the nicest to my husband. Why are we the nicest to others and then you are grumpy with the person who means the most?
I make with my hands: flowers in the garden/ dinner.
I write: not as much as I wish.
I confuse: What is important with what can WAIT.
I need: quiet time.
I should: talk less and listen more...I am working on that.
I start: my day with coffee
I finish: the day utterly content.

If i knew how to tag i would!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You just need to google "html post link". If I could post it for you I would, but this comment box will then turn it into a link and you won't see the code.
Good luck! Oh-- turn on comment word verification in your comment settings to get rid of the spammers!