Monday, October 02, 2006

8 months and counting...

I feel that I have been neglecting my child...May just turned 8 months old, and I have not written about her in forever!! She still is such a joy to be around- inquisitive, deliberate, confident, happy and strong would be how I would describe her. She is aware of EVERYTHING now. She wants to hold it, lick it-feel it. It includes but is not limited to: dirt, shoes, Stella's toys, you name it, she is exploring!!
She is crawling so well and pulling up on whatever she can balance on. The most inventive thing so far is the face of the dishwasher. She palms her way up until she is standing up...
She is feeding herself finger foods ( last night i fed her Chicken Divan casserole)---What a hit!
I guess that I am not the best at expressing how I feel about her, but she is a bright light in my life. I have to remind myself that she is not going anywhere and that she is mine for life!! That makes me so in a few years when she is a teen=hmmm, i might be singing another tune. But for now-I treasure every second with you Maisy. I love you...Mama.

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Amanda said...

So sweet! I love the pack-n-play pictures of her. It was great to see the two of you at playgroup... it is amazing how big she is getting!

Nancy said...

Such a cutie!! Glad you made it yesterday!