Wednesday, March 29, 2006

What is the dream?

You may ask, "What is livingthedream?". To be honest, it is a quote that I have stolen and used often from one of my sisters...I am one of three and the youngest. The phrase is most often used like this:

Me: "Sister, how is your day at the Conservative Small Upstate University?'
to which her reply is:

"oh, you know, LIVINGTHEDREAM"

or from one new mom to the other;

Me: "New Mom: How was your night/morning?"
to which her reply is:

"oh you know, LIVINGTHEDREAM"

So, LIVINGTHEDREAM, can be sarcastic in nature, true to what you feel, or just a lazy answer when you do not want to go into the nitty gritty deatails of your otherwise kind of boring day. So with this blog, I hope to give an insite to my life and all the dreams that come into play day in and day out.

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