Wednesday, July 19, 2006

T minus 3 and counting......

Until my last day at Bank of America. If I am honest with myself, this is a really hard transition for me to make. I should have written about it sooner, but I HATE change and have such a difficult time dealing with it. I have been plagued with CRAZY dreams, anxiety and i have been how should I say--a little weepy. stupid things make me cry like episodes of Sex and the City and looking at the Keystone Camp website. Do not know what is wrong with me except for change is hard and all of these other weird anxieties surface and leaves me a little sappy and scared. In a week, i know that these feelings will be gone- but now, I have to deal. What is the worst that can happen? I have to go back to work full time and I call up Bank of America- or another bank in the city...I will find work. This is just a huge step, i have never relied on someone else before for survival (money) and have never not had a full time job.... Good parenting on my parents part! :-) So off to the next episode of life- closing one chapter and opening a new! Very exiting and will be a ride for sure.....


Caroline said...

Change is hard. However, hopefully you will love staying at home. If not, no big deal you can get back into work. I will be thinking about you!!

Nancy said...

I hated every second of packing up my classroom and walking out the door even though I knew it was the best thing for me and our family to do. It's scary to be out there without that safety net. If you are done so soon you need to come to playgroup until your next job starts up :)

BTW - your ticker for your sister scared me to death - I thought it was for you for a second!

Kak said...

Congratulations! I didn't know you were leaving. I am so jealous! This is a great move!