Sunday, July 16, 2006

Beginners Luck

Today- Jeff and I went fishing in the pond in front of the country... This trip was years in the making- Jeff has been wanting to take me fishing and we only had one pole-so i said as soon as you get a pole- then i will go. SOOOOOO....after a trip to the local wal-mart- i became the proud owner of my very own "ugly stick". Funny name, and at first I thought that Jeff bought it for me becuase of the name, but he assured me that the Ugly Stick is a fisherman's staple. Next was the task of getting the boat in town- the motor did not work after hours of jeff trying, so we were relegated to dad's Folbot or their rowboat. we chose option B. Anyway- no sooner had I casted did I have a bite=BINGO! lost it: Darn!! but before Jeff could even bait his hook- I caught the biggest spot-tail bass that I had ever seen. But to be fair, I could not tell you the last time I have seen one- but Jeff was impressed....
Then we waited and waited and Jeff caught a HUGE flounder...The afternoon was completely fun and I can not wait to go back out on the pond..So easy and we have dinner for a week!!

Jeff's Flounder!

Our Supper...YUMMY.

Does anyone have a good way to BAKE fish? Posted by Picasa


Kak said...

Way to go!! I am super jealous. All I do it hold a pole for hours. I NEVER catch anything. To bake fish, I always just wrap the filet in tin foil with a little butter, EVOO, S&P, and a sprig of rosemary. You can either bake it or do it on the grill. Time will vary based on the size of the fish.

Caroline said...

Y'all can go fishing with us anytime. I like Kak's recipe for the fish. Yum!

Amanda said...

Dip it in buttermilk and coat it with a breading that is 1/2 pecans crushed in the food processor, 1/2 bread crumbs and a bit of blackend seasoning. Bake it until it is flaky and add a little lemon juice... yum!! This is a huge hit at my house!!

Great job on the fish!!